Red or Pink Eye

Red eyes can occur due to a variety of different causes. This can vary from something as simple as a broken blood vessel to something as serious and significant as a bacterial infection that can easily lead to blindness and permanent loss of vision.


Allergic reactions, other infections, inflammatory conditions and mechanical trauma are only some of the other possible causes.   Because so many different underlying causes can produce red eye it is best to seek the good consul of one of our doctors when this condition ensues.


They are very adept at a determining the underlying causes and treating these conditions appropriately.

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Red eyes can occur due to a variety of different causes. This can vary from something as simple as a broken blood vessel to something as serious and significant as a bacterial infection that can easily lead to blindness and permanent loss of vision.


Allergic reactions, other infections, inflammatory conditions and mechanical trauma are only some of the other possible causes.   Because so many different underlying causes can produce red eye it is best to seek the good consul of one of our doctors when this condition ensues.


They are very adept at a determining the underlying causes and treating these conditions appropriately.